Led by PolyU Department of Computing Professor Prof. Allen AU Man Ho (1st from left) and Research Assistant Professor Dr LU Xingye (1st from right) and including team members LIU Mengling (2nd from right) and HENG Yang (2nd from left), the research team has again triumphed in the ZPRIZE competition with their ground-breaking technology on zero-knowledge cryptography.

The research team led by Prof. Allen AU Man Ho, our Professor, along with Dr LU Xingye, Research Assistant Professor, and two PhD students, LIU Mengling and HENG Yang, have won an award in the international ZPRIZE competition for the second consecutive year for their pioneering work in zero-knowledge proofs (ZKPs). Their groundbreaking work in this field has profound implications for enhancing privacy and scalability in blockchain and Web3 applications.  This year, the PolyU team have triumphed in the “High Throughput Signature Verification” open division category, winning a cash prize of US$250,000.

For more information, please visit https://www.polyu.edu.hk/en/media/media-releases/2024/0523_polyu-wins-zprize-2023-for-blockchain-innovation-again/.
